The Capos
To read more about the characters from the captive koala group known as the "Capos", please click a name below.
Matt is currently the figure head of the koalas in the wildlife park. The koalas get together for regular meetings after the wildlife park closes, to talk about current events, and to manage their lives under the guidance of humans. They address their issues by voting for a solution. This requires a lot of thinking, and rethinking and readdressing the same issues again and again, until the group is satisfied. This system is rather new.
Matt has strong convictions about his leadership, but, like any koala, he has self-doubt from time to time. He’s constantly reflecting and finding someone to confide in, which is difficult, as trust plays a big role for him. Finding someone to talk to, where there’s no judgement in the conservation, is hard, as it could be used against him in his leadership role, which is always tested.
Ralph is Matt’s equal, but in the WRONG way. Ralph wants Matt’s title and position within the Capos group. He has formed a sub-group to challenge Matt from time to time.
Whereas Matt works on thinking about a solution, taking more time, to save energy for the Capos, Ralph prefers to make fast decisions and see what happens later, rather than waiting like Matt. Ralph is a koala of action, which at times clashes with others.
His personality definitely has short falls. His behaviour finds him in a lot of trouble from time to time with other koalas, and as a result divides the whole group of Capos.
Mick is much more of a listener than other koalas. He is afraid of Ralph but puts on a brave face for all! His enclosure is right next door to Ralph’s, he listens to every word of Ralph’s, and all of Ralph’s thoughts. Mick is somewhat shy and doesn’t deal well with conflict.
He’s a bit insecure and doesn’t even know it. He doesn’t really like to disagree with Ralph. As he’s a bit lonely with his own thoughts and because of Ralph’s dominance, he tends to rely way too much on Ralph.
Mick needs to hear Ralph praise their friendship to justify his own actions. In turn, by just listening and supporting Ralph, this has resulted in core sub-group: Ralph, Mick and Jock.
Jock is a friend of Mick’s and is drawn into the sub-group, together with Ralph, mainly because they are neighbours. Jock is quiet but also has a joker type personality. At times, he says what’s on his mind out aloud.
This can break the tension of the group, Jock is more easy-going and just enjoys a good laugh. He prefers not to worry as much as the others.
Anne is different from other Capos, coming from another wildlife park, sent over to boost the breeding population of this particular wildlife park. But her background and experiences from living in different environments has built her knowledge and confidence.
She can match any other koala in a conservation, but since this wildlife park operates differently from her previous wildlife park, this often puts her at odds with the other females and male koalas. She finds it hard to be accepted by the majority of the group.
Other than Nurse Betty and Matt, she finds it hard to be socially equal. Instead, her intellect and her natural thought process are more refined. She tried to escape from her situation but was unsuccessful. That’s why she now has a radio collar around her neck.
Nurse Betty
Nurse Betty is a saint and has many valuable skills. She is very determined and always finds a way to support a koala in need. She goes out of her way to at least find out what sickness is troubling each and every koala.
Because she is treating every animal respectfully, she has no difficulty crossing cultural boundaries within the park. Nurse Betty’s voice is respected by the other higher ranking male koalas in the wildlife park.
Bear is a different kettle of fish altogether. He lives on his own, happy and content. He hardly ever speaks, but is happy to help where he can. Mostly, he does his own thing.
No one ever challenges him, mainly because of his size. Bear is the heaviest and biggest of all the animals in the park. He’s an outsider of a different kind, so much so that he is regarded as a recluse and an enigma by all the koalas and other wildlife animals. He has this habit of suddenly popping up out of nowhere, to provide his support, before disappearing again just as fast. Somehow, he doesn’t seem to fit in, but that works, as all the animals use his strenght, when needed.
The koalas don’t know where Bear came from, and really haven’t given it a real thought, as to why he’s there. He doesn’t say much. He’s the happiest just being in the background. He doesn’t interfere with the other animals. He doesn’t care that the koalas have the greatest influence in how the wildlife park is run, nor that the koalas manage every dispute.
Bear is different, and not just because he doesn’t belong to the native lands of Australia, but because of his connection to the Space Farting Koalas. More will be revealed in time.
Fire Monster
The Fire Monster is also a character, but the question is: Is this fire monster a bad character or a good one?
The Fire Monster has no gender. It’s neither male nor female. Is it happy or angry? It’s just doing its thing. It may look angry, but is it? It may be called a monster, but is it really?
Fire itself is only growing due to its own resourses from its own environment. How is that bad? It eats up all the nutrients along the way, that it has been given. How is that bad? I’ll explain the differences soon.
Fire is also supported and encouraged to grow by the wind. This partnership works well for the fire’s survival.